Monday, March 19, 2012


Thursday afternoon, February 8th, while feeling so tired I could have fallen asleep with my head on my desk, I started to wonder why for the past week or so I was so exhausted.

 After collecting my thoughts, I finally got my self together & took a test, two lines... I had a rush of 50 different emotions. Daivd and I had not been trying and planned on waiting at least two more  years, if not longer.
After I discovered that I was pregnant late in the afternoon, I could hardly wait for David to come home from work so I could tell him, preparing myself for what his reaction may be. 
Even though I wanted to call him right away.
His response... "are you foreal?!" Followed by a huge smile, lots of excitement & pure happiness! I was in complete shock! Here I am, a complete basket case, and David is excited. In a million years I never, ever would have pictured this moment, like this...